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<span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Please note:</strong></span>
== Recommended Routers ==
* XMission has tested and verified that the following equipment is supported on the XMission and UTOPIA networks. Keep in mind that while any gigabit router is compatible, XMission recommends the following products based on feedback from our staff and customers. These products are not required for service.
* The model number may change depending on the most recent revision from the manufacturer and may have different firmware versions. While it is unlikely, any changes in models and firmware may differ enough from the equipment we have tested to cause issues. We recommend that you document your manufacturer, model, and software version for the best support experience.
* XMission cannot guarantee advertised speeds over wireless Internet. When available we recommend the use of Ethernet cables.
== Small (1&ndash;2 Room) Spaces ==
When it comes to your connection, your router is one of the most important devices you can add to your home network. We know that routers are not cheap, however in order to meet the demand of your daily wifi needs, you may need to invest a little more money in a router that will cover your entire home with little dead spots.
These spaces are typically 1,500 square feet or fewer. These spaces include most apartment complexes and single-bedroom homes that have one or two bedrooms.  
'''Keep in mind that while any gigabit router is compatible, XMission recommends the following products based on feedback from our staff and customers. The products below are not required for service. You should choose a router that fits your budget. '''
* Please remember XMission cannot guarantee advertised speeds over a wireless connection. When available we recommend the use of Ethernet cables.
== XWi Home ==
The XWi Home is our recommended router setup.
=== 1G Router ===
* This router may be supplied to XMission customers. Contact Support for more details.
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:U61-400px.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''GS4220E'''
<br>'''Brand:''' XMission / Calix
<br>'''Model:''' GS4220E
<br>'''WiFi:''' Simultaneous dual-band <br>6x6 Streams / 2x2 @ 2.4GHz and 4x4 @ 5GHz
<br>''' Smart Channel selection:''' XWi routers automatically change WiFi channels to optimize peak performance so you don’t have to.
* '''GS4220E''' 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit 
<!-- * '''GS4227E''' 2.5G WAN / 4 LAN gigabit -->
* XWi Home - 1G $12/month
<!-- * XWi Home - 2G $15/month -->
'''Specifications: '''
* '''[https://wiki.xmission.com/images/7/7d/GS4220E-U.pdf GS4220E]'''
<!-- * '''[https://wiki.xmission.com/images/d/dc/GS4227E-U.pdf GS4227E]''' -->
* Covers Approx. 2500 SqFt
* XWi App
** Accurately confirm your upstream connection with speed tests from the router rather than connected devices
** Create guest networks for increased security
** Prioritize your data to ensure that visitors don’t over consume bandwidth
** See all connected devices when troubleshooting and toggle unnecessary devices off
** Automatically blocks suspicious traffic before it enters your network
** Block or filter content applications
* Completely control your home WiFi experience
* Wi-Fi 6
* IPv6 Ready
* Check out [https://xmission.com/xwi XWi Home] for more info.
=== 2G/2.5G/10G Router ===
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" |'''[https://amzn.to/3bGnjbP TP-Link Archer C7(v5)]''' <br> [[File:TP-LinkC7v5.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:GS5229E-1.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" |'''[https://amzn.to/3cWiT0O ASUS RT-AC68U]''' <br> [[File:AusuRT-AC68U.jpeg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''GS5229E'''
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" |'''[https://amzn.to/3aFHo0A NETGEAR R7000P]''' <br><br><br> [[File:NetgearR7000P.png|200px]]
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
<br>'''Brand:''' XMission / Calix
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The Archer C7 is a fast 802.11ac router with incredible range. It's better than many routers that are twice as expensive. This advanced WiFi is designed for high-traffic online activities and can help to run applications at triple the speed of the previous 802.11n standard." <p>''Please Note: The (v#) indicated the version of this model, TP-Link has released different versions and results can very depending on the version''</p><br><p> [https://www.tp-link.com/us/home-networking/wifi-router/archer-c7/#specifications Product Specifications]</p><p> [https://static.tp-link.com/2020/202001/20200113/1910012752_Archer%20C7A7_UG_REV5.1.1.pdf User Guide]</p><p>  Router Interface:</p> <p>http://tplinkwifi.net </p> <p></p> </small>
<br>'''Model:''' GS5229E
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The AC1900 (RT-AC68U) is a Dual Band Gigabit router that comes with AiProtection, Network Security, Mobile App, and supports the AiMesh system to allow for whole-home WiFi coverage." <p>''Please Note: Firmware upgrades are needed during setup to ensure all available features are installed and is at maximum functionality.'' </p><br><br><p>[https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/RTAC68U/specifications/ Product Specifications]</p><p> [https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/wireless/RT-AC68U/E14013_RT-AC68U_manual_v2.pdf User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface:</p> <p>http://router.asus.com </p> <p></p><p> [[Recommended_Routers/Asus_Routers | Additional ASUS Support]]</p> </small>
<br>'''WiFi:''' Simultaneous dual-band <br>6x6 Streams / 2x2 @ 2.4GHz and 4x4 @ 5GHz
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The R7000P is the first of NETGEAR SmartWiFi Dual Band Gigabit routers. The R7000 supports the NETGEAR Nighthawk Mobile App, ReadyCLOUD®, OpenVPN, have access to a secure personal cloud, access home network remotely, and share photos stored on the storage from anywhere."<br><br><br><br><p> [https://www.netgear.com/images/datasheet/networking/wifirouter/R7000P.pdf Product Overview]</p><p> [http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/R7000P/R7000P_UM_EN.pdf User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface:</p> <p> http://routerlogin.net </p> <p> Nighthawk  Mobile App</p><p> [[Recommended_Routers/NETGEAR_Routers | Additional NETGEAR Support]]</p></small>
<br>''' Smart Channel selection:''' XWi routers automatically change WiFi channels to optimize peak performance so you don’t have to.
* WAN: Single (1) 100/1000/2500/5000/10000 BASE-T Ethernet port, RJ 45 connector
* LAN: 1 100/1000/2500/5000/10000, 4 10/100/1000
* XWi Home - 2G/2.5G - $15/month
* XWi Home - 10G - Free with 10G Internet Package
<!-- * XWi Pro - $25/Month -->
'''Specifications: '''
* '''[https://wiki.xmission.com/images/a/a6/GS5229E-U.pdf GS5229E]'''
* Covers Approx. 2500 SqFt
* XWi App
** Accurately confirm your upstream connection with speed tests from the router rather than connected devices
** Create guest networks for increased security
** Prioritize your data to ensure that visitors don’t over consume bandwidth
** See all connected devices when troubleshooting and toggle unnecessary devices off
** Automatically blocks suspicious traffic before it enters your network
** Block or filter content applications
* Completely control your home WiFi experience
* Wi-Fi 6
* IPv6 Ready
* Check out [https://xmission.com/xwi XWi Home] for more info.
== Medium (3&ndash;4 Room) Spaces ==
== Multi-Gig Routers ==
These spaces are typically between 1,500 and 3,000 square feet. Most medium-sized spaces will have three or four bedrooms.
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/3eVcMeS TP-Link Archer C3150]''' <br><br> [[File:TP-LinkArcherC3150.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:AsusAX5700-w.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/35aFsMw ASUS RT-AC87U]''' <br> [[File:AsusRT-AC87U.jpeg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | ''' [https://amzn.to/3ynwJXm ASUS AX-5700]: '''
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2W4NMcC NETGEAR R7800]''' <br><br> [[File:NetgearR7800.png|200px]]
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/35aCasH Linksys EA7500] ''' <br><br> [[File:LinksysEA7500.jpg|200px]]
<br>'''Brand:''' ASUS
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
<br>'''Model:''' AX-5700
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The Archer C3150 V2 uses a Broadcom NitroQAM technology that provides a 25% increase in Wireless stability and speed. This provides smooth performance for 4K Streaming, Online Gaming and much more." <br><br><br><p> [https://www.tp-link.com/us/home-networking/wifi-router/archer-c3150/#specifications Product Specifications]</p><p> [https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/RRlL8cESL9M Settup Video]</p><p> Router Interface:</p> <p> http://tplinkwifi.net </p> <p> TP-Link Tether App</p></small>
<br>'''WiFi:''' WiFi 6/Dual-band
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "With Broadcom® TurboQAM™ technology stability and speeds increase 33% faster older models. This means RT-AC87U gives you lag-free online gaming, silky-smooth 4K/UHD video streaming, and effortlessly copes with even the most bandwidth-demanding tasks." <br><br><p> [https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/RTAC87U/specifications/ Product Specifications]</p><p> [https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/wireless/RT-AC87U/E9689_RT_AC87U_Manual.zip?_ga=2.221210651.266419516.1580747677-1740141374.1568133695 User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface: </p> <p>http://router.asus.com </p> <p></p><p> [[Recommended_Routers/Asus_Routers | Additional ASUS Support]]</p></small>
<br>'''Antennas:''' 3 - Removable
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "With NETGEAR's next generation Wave2 WiFi—160MHz, MU-MIMO, Quad-stream technology. The R7800 should be able to produce a combined total of 2Gpbs in speed and performance allowing you to work anywhere within your house." <br><br><p>[http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/datasheet/en/R7800.pdf Product Overview]</p><p>[http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/R7000/R7000_UM.pdf User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface: </p> <p>http://routerlogin.net </p> <p> Nighthawk Mobile App</p><p> [[Recommended_Routers/NETGEAR_Routers | Additional NETGEAR Support]]</p></small>
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 WAN / 1 Multi-Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit / 2 USB 3.0
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "Linksys has a 3x3 AC dual-core CPU built into this router giving you optimal coverage for your home. This means the whole family can play, stream and work online with minimal to no lag or buffering." <br><br><br><p> [https://www.linksys.com/us/p/P-EA7500/ Product Specifications]</p><p> [http://downloads.linksys.com/downloads/userguide/EA7500-MUG_International_20160610.pdf User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface:</p> <p> http://linksyssmartwifi.com </p> <p> Linksys SmartWiFi App </p> <p> [[Recommended_Routers/Linksys_Routers | Additional Linksys Support]]</p></small>
<br>'''Price:''' $249.99 - Amazon
<br>'''[https://www.asus.com/us/Networking-IoT-Servers/WiFi-Routers/ASUS-Gaming-Routers/RT-AX86U/techspec/ Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://www.asus.com/us/Networking-IoT-Servers/WiFi-Routers/ASUS-Gaming-Routers/RT-AX86U/HelpDesk_Manual/ User Guide]'''
* Comercial-grade home network security
* Lifetime free ASUS AIProtection Pro, powered by Trend Micro
* WPA3
* Advanced parental controls
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" |[[File:NetgearOrbi-w.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/39U69f8 Netgear Orbi Wifi 6]'''
<br>'''Brand:''' NETGEAR
<br>'''Model:''' Orbi WiFi 6
<br>'''WiFi:''' WiFi 6/Tri-band
<br>'''Antennas:''' 8
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 Multi-Gig WAN / 3 LAN on router / 2 LAN on satellite
<br>'''Price:''' $349.99 - Amazon
<br>'''[https://www.netgear.com/home/wifi/mesh/rbk752/ Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/RBK752/RBK752_UM_EN.pdf User Guide]'''
* NETGEAR Armor cybersecurity by Bitdefender 30-day free trial
* NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls 30-day free trial
* Easy setup in minutes with Orbi App
== Large (4&ndash;6 Room) Spaces ==
== Gigabit Routers ==  
These spaces are typically between 3,000 and 4,500 square feet. Most large spaces will have four to six rooms.
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:LinksysVelop-w.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/3HTSHVb Linksys Velop Mesh] '''
<br>'''Brand:''' Linksys
<br>'''Model:''' Velop AX4000 Tri Band Mesh
<br>'''WiFi:''' WiFi 6/Tri-band
<br>'''Antennas:''' 8
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 Gig WAN / 3 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0 per unit
<br>'''Price:''' $349.99- Amazon 2-pack
<br>'''[https://www.linksys.com/us/velop-ax4000-tri-band-mesh-wifi-6-system-mx8000/p/p-mx8000/ Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://downloads.linksys.com/support/assets/userguide/MX4000Series_UserGuide_INTL_LNKPG-00755_RevB00.pdf User Guide]'''
* Easy setup with Linksys app
* Parental controls
* Separate guest access
* Linksys seal
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2xffcUA TP-Link Archer C4000]''' <br> [[File:TP-LinkArcherC4000.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:NetgearNighthawk-w.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2YfFzET NETGEAR R8000P]''' <br><br><br> [[File:NetgearR8000.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/3nrpJCt NETGEAR Nighthawk AX5400] '''
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/37xVb9C ASUS RT-AX3000]''' <br> [[File:Asus-AX3000.jpeg|200px]]
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
<br>'''Brand:''' NETGEAR
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;" | <small> "TP-Link has crammed a-lot into a small box. This means you are able to have 1.8Ghz, 64bit quad core CPU with 512MB of ram processing your home network. Using the MU-MIMO technology, this C4000 lets you stream 4k and game will simultaneously playing music or photo sharing at a combined support of 2Gbps+." <br><p> [https://www.tp-link.com/us/home-networking/wifi-router/archer-c4000/#specifications Product Specifications]</p><p> [https://static.tp-link.com/2020/202001/20200115/1910012751_Archer%20C4000_UG_REV3.2.0.pdf User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface:</p> <p> http://tplinkwifi.net </p> <p> TP-Link Tether App</p></small>
<br>'''Model:''' Nighthawk Pro AX5400
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;" | <small> "With breakthrough Tri-band WiFi and multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) is ideal for simultaneous streaming to many WiFi devices in your home. The Nighthawk X6S works with Amazon Alexa™ & the Google® Assistant allowing you to control your home network using voice commands." <br><br><p> [https://www.netgear.com/images/datasheet/networking/wifirouter/R8000P.pdf Product Overview]</p><p> [http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/R8000P/R8000P_UM_EN.pdf User Guide] </p><p> Router Interface: </p> <p>http://routerlogin.net </p> <p> Nighthawk Mobile App</p><p> [[Recommended_Routers/NETGEAR_Routers | Additional NETGEAR Support]]</p> </small>
<br>'''WiFi:''' WiFi 6/Dual-band
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The Next Gen WiFi Standard - Future proof your home network with the next-gen WiFi 6 technology, providing up to 2. 7x faster speed than the previous WiFi generation featuring OFDMA and MU-MIMO technology" <br><br><p> [https://www.asus.com/us/Networking/RT-AX3000/specifications/ Product Specifications]</p><p> [https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/wireless/RT-AX3000/E16134_RT-AX3000_UM_1119.pdf?_ga=2.147726324.2110985851.1592334863-916930494.1592334863 User Guide]</p><p> Router Interface: </p> <p>http://router.asus.com </p> <p></p><p> [[Recommended_Routers/Asus_Routers | Additional ASUS Support]]</p></small>
<br>'''Antennas:''' 4 - Removeable
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0
<br>'''Price:''' $299.99- Amazon
<br>'''[https://www.netgear.com/home/wifi/routers/rax50/ Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/RAX50/RAX50_UM_EN.pdf User Guide]'''
* Easy Setup with Nighthawk App
* NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:AsusRog-w.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/3u5vCcr ASUS ROG Rapture AX11000] '''
<br>'''Brand:''' ASUS
<br>'''Model:''' ROG Rapture WiFi 6 Gaming Router
<br>'''WiFi:''' WiFi 6/Dual-band
<br>'''Antennas:''' 8 - Removeable
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 Gig WAN / 2.5 Gig LAN / 4 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0
<br>'''Price:''' $349.99- Amazon
<br>'''[https://rog.asus.com/us/networking/rog-rapture-gt-ax11000-model/spec Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://rog.asus.com/us/networking/rog-rapture-gt-ax11000-model/helpdesk_manual User Guide]'''
* AiProtection Pro by Trend Micro
* Easy port forwarding
* Simultaneous gaming and VPN
* ASUS AiMesh compatible
== Extra-Large (8+ Rooms) Spaces ==
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:Er-x-01_grande.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/3dxPDml EdgeRouter X] '''
<br>'''Brand:''' Ubiquiti Networks
<br>'''Model:''' ER-X
<br>'''WiFi:'''  None
<br>'''Antennas:''' 0
<br>'''Ports:''' 5 Gb ports / 1 data/PoE input port, 3 data ports, 1 data/PoE passthrough port.
<br>'''Price:''' $129.99 - Amazon
<br>'''[https://store.ui.com/collections/operator-edgemax-routers/products/edgerouter-x Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://dl.ubnt.com/guides/edgemax/EdgeRouter_ER-X_QSG.pdf User Guide]'''
These spaces are typically over 4,500 square feet. These spaces are usually large homes and have more than eight rooms.
<span style="color: #ff0000;">'''NOTE:'''</span> In extra-large spaces, XMission strongly recommends the use of Ethernet wiring when available, as wireless may result in poor performance and often will not reflect the speed of the XMission network.
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:ER-10X.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/3pm4ROk EdgeRouter 10X] '''
<br>'''Brand:''' Ubiquiti Networks
<br>'''Model:''' ER-10X
<br>'''WiFi:'''  None
<br>'''Antennas:''' 0
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 RJ45 Serial Port / 10 Ethernet Ports / Port 0 Supports PoE in / Port 9 Supports PoE out
<br>'''Price:''' $129.99 - Amazon
<br>'''[https://store.ui.com/collections/routing-switching/products/edgerouter-10x Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://dl.ubnt.com/qsg/ER-10X/ER-10X_EN.html User Guide]'''
''Wireless Mesh Network''
For most users, a whole-home mesh WiFi system will suffice, usually with the compromise of trading WiFi coverage for wireless speed. A mesh WiFi system typically has a main router module that connects directly to your UTOPIA equipment. Satellite nodes or access points that connect to the main module can then be placed around your house for full WiFi coverage. Together, these create a single and seamless wireless network and share the same wireless name (SSID) and password.
Please note: While Mesh can help cover more floor space, it often trades coverage for speed. You may see lower speeds than expected going with a mesh option.  
== Routers on a budget ==
We know that you may not be able to afford the best router out there. So we chose a few that will work when you are in a pinch.  
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/3f0XK7u TP-Link Archer Deco M9Plus]''' <br> [[File:TP-LinkDecoM9Plus.jpg|200px]]  
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:Netgearax6700-w.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2ySXOp2 NETGEAR Orbi]''' <br> [[File:NetgearOrbi.png|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/39Wybqp NETGEAR AX1800] '''
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/3bL2MTF AmpliFi MeshPoint HD]''' <br> [[File:AFi R.jpg|200px]] <p>'''Standalone Wireless Router.'''</p><p>Requires additional MeshPoints or antennas for more coverage.</p>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''AmpliFi HD Mesh Router''' <br> [[File:Meshpoint.png|200px]] <p>'''Antenna Only.'''</p> <p>Requires AmpliFi MeshPoint Wireless Router.</p>
<br>'''Brand:''' NETGEAR
<br>'''Model:''' AX1800 4-Stream Wifi 6 Router
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
<br>'''WiFi:''' WiFi 6/Dual-band
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The TP-Link Deco can guarantee a strong WiFi that will cover every corner of your home up to 6,500 square feet. These devices are a Tri-Band WiFi that creates a fast and secure connection to every devices you have. The Deco M9 Plus also will connect to and allow you to control your TP-Link smart home devices with out the need of an additional hub." <br><br><p>[https://www.tp-link.com/us/home-networking/deco/deco-m9-plus/#specifications Product Specifications] </p> <p>[https://www.tp-link.com/us/user-guides/deco-m9-plus_v1&v2/ User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p> TP-Link Deco Mobile App  </p> <p>[[Recommended_Routers/Deco_M9_Plus |Additional TP-Link Deco Support]] </p> </small>
<br>'''Antennas:''' 3
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The NETGEAR Orbi creates a in-home network covering 5,000+ square feet. Orbi helps create a single stream less network allowing you to move room to room with out losing your connection. You are also able to work with Amazon Alexa and the Google Assistant to control your smart home devices." <br><br><br><p> [https://www.netgear.com/images/datasheet/orbi/RBK50v2.pdf Product Specifications] </p> <p> [http://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/RBK50/Orbi_UM_EN.pdf User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p> Netgear Orbi Mobile App </p>  </small>
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The AmpliFi™ HD Mesh Router can be used as a stand-alone router or with other AmpliFi™ Mesh Routers for multi-hop, self-healing wireless coverage and enhanced range. For a typical home, the router alone delivers maximum throughput to meet your streaming and gaming demands with lag-free performance." <br><br><p>[https://amplifi.com/docs/AmpliFi_Datasheet.pdf Product Specifications] </p> <p>[https://amplifi.com/docs/AmpliFi_QSG.pdf User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p> AmpliFi Mobile App  </p> <p>[https://help.amplifi.com/hc/en-us Additional Support] </p> </small>
<br>'''Price:''' $119.99- Amazon
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "Pair the MeshPoint with the AmpliFi™ Router to expand the coverage of an AmpliFi™ network or turn an existing router into a powerful mesh network. Add MeshPoints around your house as needed to eliminate dead spots in your home." <br><br><br><br><p>[https://amplifi.com/docs/AmpliFi_Datasheet.pdf Product Specifications] </p> <p>[https://amplifi.com/docs/AFi-P-HD_QSG.pdf User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p> AmpliFi Mobile App </p> <p>[https://help.amplifi.com/hc/en-us Additional Support] </p> </small>
<br>'''[https://www.netgear.com/home/wifi/routers/rax10/ Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[https://www.downloads.netgear.com/files/GDC/RAX10/RAX10_UM_EN.pdf User Guide]'''
* Easy setup with Nighthawk App
* Additional add ons:
** NETGEWAR Armor $99 / year
** NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls $34.99/ year
== Enterprise ==
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:LinksysEA7500.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/3y1IPUC Linksys EA7300] '''
<br>'''Brand:''' Linksys
<br>'''Model:''' EA7300
<br>'''WiFi:'''  Dual-band
<br>'''Antennas:''' 3
<br>'''Ports:''' 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0
<br>'''Price:''' $129.99 - Amazon
<br>'''[https://www.linksys.com/us/p/P-EA7500/ Product Specifications]'''
<br>'''[http://downloads.linksys.com/downloads/userguide/EA7500-MUG_International_20160610.pdf User Guide]'''
* Easy setup
* Simultaneous dual band ( 2.4 + 5 GHZ )
* MU-MIMO simultaneously streaming and gaming on multiple devices
For intermediate users, or those who would like to take advantage of the full capabilities of the XMission Network, we recommend Ubiquiti's UniFi wireless line: a proprietary mesh-like network environment, commonly used in enterprise-level deployments. XMission's office and some staffers use Ubiquiti for wireless access points.
<span style="color: #ff0000;">'''NOTE:'''</span> This does require the purchase of a traditional router or gateway switch (not a wireless router), or access points to provide your home with WiFi.
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/3aRk409 EdgeRouter X]''' <br> [[File:Er-x-01 grande.png|200px]] <p>'''Router ONLY'''. </p> <p> May require additional switching gear for more Ethernet ports and access point(s) for wireless use. </p>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/3f5gkLR EdgeRouter 10X]''' <br> [[File:ER-10X.png|200px]] <p> '''Router ONLY'''. </p> <p> Requires access point(s) for wireless use. </p>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2KKzLeA UniFi Lite Access Point]''' <br>[[File:UAP-AC-Lite Front grande.png|200px]] <p> '''Access Point ONLY'''.</p> <p> Requires a router for use. </p>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2YbHoTk UniFi AP Beacon HD Wi-Fi MeshPoint]''' <br>[[File:UDM-B.png|200px]] <p>'''Wireless Repeater ONLY'''.</p> <p> Requires a router and access point for use. </p>
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "Ubiquiti Networks introduces the EdgeRouter™ X, part of the EdgeMAX® platform. The EdgeRouter X combines carrier‑class reliability with excellent price‑to‑performance value in an ultra‑compact form factor. The ER-X, can be powered by an external power adapter or 24V passive PoE input. A passive PoE passthrough option* is available to support a single airMAX® device*" <br><br><p>[https://store.ui.com/collections/operator-edgemax-routers/products/edgerouter-x Product Specifications] </p> <p>[https://dl.ubnt.com/guides/edgemax/EdgeRouter_ER-X_QSG.pdf User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p></p> <p>[https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/219051528-UniFi-Setting-Up-UniFi-for-Beginners Setting up UniFi for Beginners] </p> </small>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "Featuring top price/performance value, the EdgeRouter™ 10X is an advanced Gigabit Router with PoE flexibility. Ten Gigabit RJ45 ports offer copper connectivity with PoE input on port 1 and PoE passthrough on port 10. The EdgeRouter 10X supports Layer-2 switching with one internal switch. For scalable configuration, use EdgeOS® or the Ubiquiti® Network Management System (UNMS™)." <br><br><p> [https://store.ui.com/collections/routing-switching/products/edgerouter-10x Product Specifications] </p> <p> [https://dl.ubnt.com/qsg/ER-10X/ER-10X_EN.html User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p></p> <p>[https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/219051528-UniFi-Setting-Up-UniFi-for-Beginners Setting up UniFi for Beginners] </p> </small>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "Build your WiFi network with the UniFi® ac Lite Access Point, part of the Ubiquiti Networks® UniFi Enterprise WiFi System. The UniFi ac Lite Access Point is an indoor, high-performance 802.11ac dual-radio access point, capable of speeds up to 1167 Mbps with a range of up to 122 meters." <br><br><br><br><p>[https://store.ui.com/collections/unifi-network-access-points/products/unifi-ac-lite Product Specifications] </p> <p>[https://dl.ubnt.com/qsg/UAP-AC-LITE/UAP-AC-LITE_EN.html User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p> [https://www.ui.com/download/unifi/unifi-ap-ac-lite/default/unifi-network-controller-51266-windows UniFi Controller] </p> <p> UniFi Network Mobile App </p> </small>
| style="width: 300px;padding:5px;" | <small> "The UniFi AP BeaconHD is the fastest way to extend WiFi coverage and increase throughput in your home and office. The sleek design integrates easily into any environment and plugs in to a standard US wall outlet. Compared to a standard WiFi device, the powerful BeaconHD uplink results in more than 4x larger WiFi coverage range in an open space." <br><br><br><p> [https://store.ui.com/collections/unifi-network-access-points/products/uap-beaconhd Product Specifications] </p> <p> [https://dl.ubnt.com/qsg/UAP-BeaconHD/UAP-BeaconHD_EN.html User Guide] </p> <p> Router Interface:</p> <p> [https://www.ui.com/download/unifi/unifi-ap-ac-lite/default/unifi-network-controller-51266-windows UniFi Controller] </p> <p> UniFi Network Mobile App </p>  </small>
* Model numbers may vary depending on the most recent revision from the manufacturer and may have different firmware versions.
== What XMission Uses ==
Here at XMission, we enjoy supporting our customers and appreciate the support they show us in return! Our incredible user community makes us feel like we are more than just a service provider. This is why we provide [https://xmission.com/community XMission Wireless Hotspots]. Below, we have listed some of the equipment XMission uses for these hotspots. Our staff uses most of this equipment at home as well.
== Switches ==
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"|'''[https://amzn.to/3bL2MTF AmpliFi MeshPoint HD]''' <br> [[File:AFi R.jpg|200px]] <p> '''Standalone Wireless Router.'''</p> <p> Requires additional MeshPoints or antennas for more coverage. </p>
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:NetgearSwitch .jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''AmpliFi HD Mesh Router''' <br> [[File:Meshpoint.png|200px]] <p> '''Antenna Only.'''</p> <p> Requires AmpliFi MeshPoint Wireless Router. </p>
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://amzn.to/4biGt5n NETGEAR 5 Port MultiGig Switch] '''
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;"| '''[https://amzn.to/2KKzLeA UniFi Lite Access Point]''' <br>[[File:UAP-AC-Lite Front grande.png|200px]] <p> '''Access Point ONLY'''.</p> <p> Requires a router for use. </p>
<br>'''Brand:''' NETGEAR
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" |'''[https://amzn.to/3bGnjbP TP-Link Archer C7(v5)]''' <br><br> [[File:TP-LinkC7v5.png|200px]] <p> Used for the majority of our wireless hotspots </p>
<br>'''Model:''' MS305
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" |'''[https://amzn.to/2xeZOYj NETGEAR Nighthawk]''' <br><br><br> [[File:NetgearR7000P.png|200px]]  <br><br><br><p> Heavily used by customers and staff </p>
<br>'''WiFi:''' None
<br>'''Antennas:''' 0
|- style="vertical-align:top;"
<br>'''Ports:''' 5 x 1G/2.5G Multi-Gig Ethernet ports.
<br>'''Price:''' $99.99 - Amazon
== Not Recommended Routers  ==
In our testing and supporting of equipment we have found a few routers with the following negative qualities:
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:71XpvleAJcL._AC_SL1500_.jpg|200px]]
:* Difficult to work with
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08XWKF55C?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_JQQFNNXENA36AW11DDFP&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_JQQFNNXENA36AW11DDFP&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_JQQFNNXENA36AW11DDFP&peakEvent=5&starsLeft=1&skipTwisterOG=1&th=1/TRENDnet 8-Port Unmanaged 2.5G Switch] '''
:* Not fully supported by XMission on the UTOPIA network
:* Do not work on XMission's network
<br>'''Brand:''' TRENDnet
<br>'''Model:''' TEG-S380
<br>'''WiFi:'''  None
<br>'''Antennas:''' 0
<br>'''Ports:''' 8 x 2.5GBASE-T Ports.
<br>'''Price:''' $99.99 - Amazon
We suggest that our customers do not use the following routers.
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:center;vertical-align:top;" | [[File:71kzpoCw+lL._AC_SL1500_.jpg|200px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;" | '''[https://www.amazon.com/Real-HD-2-5G-Unmanaged-10-100-1000Mbps/dp/B0C27DC6XJ/ref=sr_1_10?crid=YOR9EX8FD5CD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7C-gtrWDoNCrwvEUYJCvVfTp5Mm_c5HKNskNzm8wHjtFH1OsvXvN4NxFLRTSsszMgJFcZWwpqVcZji5z4NGQ9xUHJJWIksTwzRrnPn2s0t4ykr2Hr2IZJPhYfDMlGyvmV16CeYQV1ZezXsK5_G37BH2Xh24WWRkD2m_jFInm5tN4rG1zBwgjw_2cJJJuVIN5VSnVW4WxEXMheBzOcFI6t6w8ABp2r4fgtwInaZ-Wt8M.yFl01R6sKfxL6TxjFljglvZSdXmKCog5YCvj0juHY64&dib_tag=se&keywords=multigig%2Bswitch&qid=1734627448&sprefix=multigig%2Bswitc%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-10&th=1/RealHD 8 port 2.5GB Switch] '''
<br>'''Brand:''' Real HD
<br>'''Model:''' SW8-25G
<br>'''WiFi:'''  None
<br>'''Antennas:''' 0
<br>'''Ports:''' 8 2.5/ 1 10GB SFP+
<br>'''Price:''' $69.99 - Amazon
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;"| '''Modem/Router Combo''' <br><br> [[File:Modemrouter.jpg|300px]]
| style="width: 375px;padding:5px;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;"| Modem/Router combo's are not supported by XMission. Cable/DSL router combo devices are capable of providing the appropriate routing however we can not guarantee service. 
For intermediate users, or those who would like to take advantage of the full capabilities of the XMission Network, we recommend Ubiquiti's UniFi wireless line: a proprietary mesh-like network environment, commonly used in enterprise-level deployments. XMission's office and some staffers use Ubiquiti for wireless access points.
== Placement of your router ==
The placement of your router is very important. Your wireless signal will need to travel from your router to where you are in your home. Putting your router in a utility closet is probably not the best choice if your utility closet is in your basement and you spend all day upstairs. You may want to reconsider a more central location for your router. Materials such as concrete, metal, brick, and sheetrock—in other words, the materials your walls are made from—can and will impact the strength of your wireless signal.
== Router Issues ==
If you continue to have issues with your current router, it may be time to upgrade. If you do not see improved performance after talking with our support department and walking you through factory resetting your router and updating the firmware, it may be time to get a new router. You can visit our [[Router and Wireless Troubleshooting]] guide to help you further.
[[Category: Troubleshooting]]
[[Category: Troubleshooting]]
[[Category: UTOPIA]]
[[Category: XMission Fiber]]
[[Category: UTOPIA Troubleshooting‏‎]]

Latest revision as of 12:43, 19 December 2024

Recommended Routers

When it comes to your connection, your router is one of the most important devices you can add to your home network. We know that routers are not cheap, however in order to meet the demand of your daily wifi needs, you may need to invest a little more money in a router that will cover your entire home with little dead spots.

Keep in mind that while any gigabit router is compatible, XMission recommends the following products based on feedback from our staff and customers. The products below are not required for service. You should choose a router that fits your budget.

  • Please remember XMission cannot guarantee advertised speeds over a wireless connection. When available we recommend the use of Ethernet cables.

XWi Home

The XWi Home is our recommended router setup.

1G Router

  • This router may be supplied to XMission customers. Contact Support for more details.
U61-400px.png GS4220E

Brand: XMission / Calix
Model: GS4220E
WiFi: Simultaneous dual-band
6x6 Streams / 2x2 @ 2.4GHz and 4x4 @ 5GHz
Smart Channel selection: XWi routers automatically change WiFi channels to optimize peak performance so you don’t have to.

  • GS4220E 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit


  • XWi Home - 1G $12/month



  • XWi App
    • Accurately confirm your upstream connection with speed tests from the router rather than connected devices
    • Create guest networks for increased security
    • Prioritize your data to ensure that visitors don’t over consume bandwidth
    • See all connected devices when troubleshooting and toggle unnecessary devices off
    • Automatically blocks suspicious traffic before it enters your network
    • Block or filter content applications
  • Completely control your home WiFi experience
  • Wi-Fi 6
  • IPv6 Ready
  • Check out XWi Home for more info.

2G/2.5G/10G Router

GS5229E-1.png GS5229E

Brand: XMission / Calix
Model: GS5229E
WiFi: Simultaneous dual-band
6x6 Streams / 2x2 @ 2.4GHz and 4x4 @ 5GHz
Smart Channel selection: XWi routers automatically change WiFi channels to optimize peak performance so you don’t have to.

  • WAN: Single (1) 100/1000/2500/5000/10000 BASE-T Ethernet port, RJ 45 connector
  • LAN: 1 100/1000/2500/5000/10000, 4 10/100/1000


  • XWi Home - 2G/2.5G - $15/month
  • XWi Home - 10G - Free with 10G Internet Package



  • XWi App
    • Accurately confirm your upstream connection with speed tests from the router rather than connected devices
    • Create guest networks for increased security
    • Prioritize your data to ensure that visitors don’t over consume bandwidth
    • See all connected devices when troubleshooting and toggle unnecessary devices off
    • Automatically blocks suspicious traffic before it enters your network
    • Block or filter content applications
  • Completely control your home WiFi experience
  • Wi-Fi 6
  • IPv6 Ready
  • Check out XWi Home for more info.

Multi-Gig Routers

AsusAX5700-w.jpg ASUS AX-5700:

Brand: ASUS
Model: AX-5700
WiFi: WiFi 6/Dual-band
Antennas: 3 - Removable
Ports: 1 WAN / 1 Multi-Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit / 2 USB 3.0
Price: $249.99 - Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • Comercial-grade home network security
  • Lifetime free ASUS AIProtection Pro, powered by Trend Micro
  • WPA3
  • Advanced parental controls

NetgearOrbi-w.jpg Netgear Orbi Wifi 6

Model: Orbi WiFi 6
WiFi: WiFi 6/Tri-band
Antennas: 8
Ports: 1 Multi-Gig WAN / 3 LAN on router / 2 LAN on satellite
Price: $349.99 - Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • NETGEAR Armor cybersecurity by Bitdefender 30-day free trial
  • NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls 30-day free trial
  • Easy setup in minutes with Orbi App

Gigabit Routers

LinksysVelop-w.jpg Linksys Velop Mesh

Brand: Linksys
Model: Velop AX4000 Tri Band Mesh
WiFi: WiFi 6/Tri-band
Antennas: 8
Ports: 1 Gig WAN / 3 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0 per unit
Price: $349.99- Amazon 2-pack
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • Easy setup with Linksys app
  • Parental controls
  • Separate guest access
  • Linksys seal

NetgearNighthawk-w.jpg NETGEAR Nighthawk AX5400

Model: Nighthawk Pro AX5400
WiFi: WiFi 6/Dual-band
Antennas: 4 - Removeable
Ports: 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0
Price: $299.99- Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • Easy Setup with Nighthawk App
  • NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls
  • NETGEAR Armor

AsusRog-w.jpg ASUS ROG Rapture AX11000

Brand: ASUS
Model: ROG Rapture WiFi 6 Gaming Router
WiFi: WiFi 6/Dual-band
Antennas: 8 - Removeable
Ports: 1 Gig WAN / 2.5 Gig LAN / 4 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0
Price: $349.99- Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • AiProtection Pro by Trend Micro
  • Easy port forwarding
  • Simultaneous gaming and VPN
  • ASUS AiMesh compatible
Er-x-01 grande.png EdgeRouter X

Brand: Ubiquiti Networks
Model: ER-X
WiFi: None
Antennas: 0
Ports: 5 Gb ports / 1 data/PoE input port, 3 data ports, 1 data/PoE passthrough port.
Price: $129.99 - Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

ER-10X.png EdgeRouter 10X

Brand: Ubiquiti Networks
Model: ER-10X
WiFi: None
Antennas: 0
Ports: 1 RJ45 Serial Port / 10 Ethernet Ports / Port 0 Supports PoE in / Port 9 Supports PoE out
Price: $129.99 - Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

Routers on a budget

We know that you may not be able to afford the best router out there. So we chose a few that will work when you are in a pinch.

Netgearax6700-w.jpg NETGEAR AX1800

Model: AX1800 4-Stream Wifi 6 Router
WiFi: WiFi 6/Dual-band
Antennas: 3
Ports: 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit
Price: $119.99- Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • Easy setup with Nighthawk App
  • Additional add ons:
    • NETGEWAR Armor $99 / year
    • NETGEAR Smart Parental Controls $34.99/ year

LinksysEA7500.jpg Linksys EA7300

Brand: Linksys
Model: EA7300
WiFi: Dual-band
Antennas: 3
Ports: 1 Gig WAN / 4 LAN gigabit / USB 3.0
Price: $129.99 - Amazon
Product Specifications
User Guide

  • Easy setup
  • Simultaneous dual band ( 2.4 + 5 GHZ )
  • MU-MIMO simultaneously streaming and gaming on multiple devices

  • Model numbers may vary depending on the most recent revision from the manufacturer and may have different firmware versions.


NetgearSwitch .jpg NETGEAR 5 Port MultiGig Switch

Model: MS305
WiFi: None
Antennas: 0
Ports: 5 x 1G/2.5G Multi-Gig Ethernet ports.
Price: $99.99 - Amazon

71XpvleAJcL. AC SL1500 .jpg 8-Port Unmanaged 2.5G Switch

Brand: TRENDnet
Model: TEG-S380
WiFi: None
Antennas: 0
Ports: 8 x 2.5GBASE-T Ports.
Price: $99.99 - Amazon

71kzpoCw+lL. AC SL1500 .jpg 8 port 2.5GB Switch

Brand: Real HD
Model: SW8-25G
WiFi: None
Antennas: 0
Ports: 8 2.5/ 1 10GB SFP+
Price: $69.99 - Amazon

For intermediate users, or those who would like to take advantage of the full capabilities of the XMission Network, we recommend Ubiquiti's UniFi wireless line: a proprietary mesh-like network environment, commonly used in enterprise-level deployments. XMission's office and some staffers use Ubiquiti for wireless access points.

Placement of your router

The placement of your router is very important. Your wireless signal will need to travel from your router to where you are in your home. Putting your router in a utility closet is probably not the best choice if your utility closet is in your basement and you spend all day upstairs. You may want to reconsider a more central location for your router. Materials such as concrete, metal, brick, and sheetrock—in other words, the materials your walls are made from—can and will impact the strength of your wireless signal.

Router Issues

If you continue to have issues with your current router, it may be time to upgrade. If you do not see improved performance after talking with our support department and walking you through factory resetting your router and updating the firmware, it may be time to get a new router. You can visit our Router and Wireless Troubleshooting guide to help you further.