FreePPP 2.5 Setup

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Mac FreePPP 2.5 Setup

  1. Open your Apple menu, go to Control Panels, and select FreePPP.
  2. Click on the small blue arrow on the bottom left of the window to show the configuration tabs.
  3. Uncheck every option under General.
  4. Click Modem Setup....
  5. Make sure the only boxes checked are Modem speaker on while connecting and Hangup on disconnect.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click on the Accounts tab.
  8. If you don't see your area listed, click New....
  9. In the Server name: field, enter XMission.
  10. Enter the phone number for the XMission location you will be dialing in the Phone number: field.
  11. In the menu next to Connect:, select Directly.
  12. In the field labeled User name:, enter your XMission account name.
  13. In the field labeled Password:, enter your XMission password. You can leave this blank if you'd like to be prompted for your password when you connect.
  14. Click on the Connection tab.
  15. Click on OK.