WiFi Analyzer

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Revision as of 14:56, 16 October 2019 by Danzmo (talk | contribs) (Apple iOS)
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WiFi Analyzer

Turn your phone into a optimization tool to troubleshoot and diagnose various WiFi network problems. This tool can include resolving issues such as; poor signal, dropped connections or high latency.

Apple iOS

  • Download and install the free App AirPort Utility from the App Store, following this link: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/airport-utility/id427276530
  • On your iPhone or iPad, go to “Settings” > “AIRPORT UTILITY” and enable “WI-FI SCANNER“
    AirPort Utility.png
  • Then go to the App and tap Wi-Fi Scan on the top right-hand side corner.
    AirPort Utility2.png
  • Move the slider to set the duration to 20 Seconds
    Scan At 20.png
  • Select the Scan button to start the scan.
    WiFi Scan.png
  • Allow the app to complete its scan.
    Scan Result.png