From XMission Wiki
Letter to XMission Photo Gallery (Gallery2) Customers
XMission Photo Gallery Discontinued --------------------------- We are sorry to notify our photo gallery customers that, due to a lack of customer interest, XMission has decided to no longer provide a photo gallery service. Before shutting down the service, we can help you migrate your gallery to a free hosted service. Visit our wiki for suggestions of a free hosted photo gallery solutions on the web and instructions on how to move your gallery data to that new service: http://wiki.xmission.com/index.php?title=Migration:Gallery2 If you have a gallery that you want to move, we ask that you migrate it before the end of June. If you migrate your gallery somewhere, email support@xmission.com with the new address and we'll automatically redirect requests from your old XMission gallery to the new location for a year. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you need help with any of the steps outlined in our instructions, or have other questions call or email support@xmission.com
Moving from XMission Gallery2 to another Gallery2
This is the most simple approach. From within
Moving from XMission Gallery 2 to an online Gallery