Router and Wireless Troubleshooting
[hide]Is your Router getting power?
Most people will leave their routers in a location that is rarely visited. It's possible that your router has somehow lost power. Check to see if you see any LEDs lighting up, indicating that the router has a power source.
Can you Ping your Router?
From your computer, try to ping your router, also known as your gateway. This may appear to be complex and technical, but in fact it is very simple to achieve.
1. Open the command prompt (Using the start menu's search ability, search for "Command Prompt") and type in "ipconfig". This will show you all of your networking configurations. If your computer uses an ethernet cable, look for "Ethernet adapter". If you use wifi, look for "Wireless Adapter".
2. Once you have more information, you will be able to see if you have an IP address or not. It will normally appear as a 192.168.x.x address.
- In our example, our IP address is and our gateway is This will vary from computer to computer, but the premise remains the same. If you have an IP address, that means at the very least there is a connection from your computer, to your router. The gateway is your router.
3. To ping your router, type ping (or whatever your gateway IP address is).
- Likewise, you can ping google by executing the command ping This will show if your computer has Internet access, as well as a router connection.
Mac and Linux
1. Open the command prompt by using the spotlight magnifying class in the top right corner. Search for "terminal" and open the command prompt. Once you have the terminal open, type in the command "ifconfig". This will show you your network interfaces and the IP address your computer has assigned to it.
2. Next we will execute a command called ping which will tell us if your Mac is connected successfully to your router. Type the command ping then press enter.
- In our example, our IP address is This will vary from computer to computer, but the premise remains the same. If you have an IP address, that means at the very least there is a connection from your computer, to your router. The gateway is your router.
3. If your ping responds successfully, you are connected to your router correctly. If you get no response, your router may be turned off, or a cable is disconnected between your computer and your router.
- Likewise, you can ping google by executing the command ping This will show if your computer has Internet access, as well as a router connection.
Try from Multiple Computers
It is entirely possible that the problem you are encountering is an issue local to the computer or device you are using. Try using something else to see if multiple devices and computers are experiencing the same issue with your network.
Verify Your Cables Are Correctly Secured
Your cables may have been accidentally tugged on at some point, pulling them loose from your router. Always check your cables connections by reconnecting them and listing for the audible click they produce. Check on both sides of the cable in case only one side was impacted.
Check for Overheating
Is your router/modem getting hot to the touch? If so, it's possible that it may be defunct. Warm devices are not always worrisome, but if the router is irritatingly hot, leave it unplugged for a few minutes to cool down. Once it is cooled off, plug it back in and monitor it for the next few hours to see if the temperature rises again. If you think your device is malfunctioning, contact your router manufacturer.
Reconfigure your WiFi to use a different Channel
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Reposition the Router
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Check for a Firmware Update
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Reset to Factory Defaults
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