WiFi Analyzer

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WiFi Analyzer

Turn your phone into a optimization tool to troubleshoot and diagnose various WiFi network problems. This tool can include resolving issues such as: poor signal, dropped connections, or high latency.

Apple iOS

Download and install the free app AirPort Utility from the App Store, following this link:

AirPort Utility.png AirPort Utility2.png Scan At 20.png
On your iPhone or iPad, go to “Settings” > “Airport Utility” and enable “Wi-Fi Scanner“ Then go to the app and tap Wi-Fi Scan on the top right-hand side corner. Move the slider to set the duration to 20 Seconds
WiFi Scan.png Scan Result.png
Select the Scan button to start the scan. Allow the app to complete its scan.


Android devices have a number of available Apps in the Google Play Store. Our support staff has been using and tested the WiFi Analyzer by "Abdelrahman M. Sid"