Zimbra Connect

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Zimbra Connect

Zimbra Connect integrates a fully fledged corporate instant messaging platform inside the Zimbra WebClient, including Group and Corporate Messaging, File Sharing, Screen Sharing and Video Chat capabilities.


Message delivery and read awareness

1-to-1 Instant Messaging

Group Messaging

Corporate Messaging (Spaces and Channels)

Group Video Calls

Channel Video calls

File Sharing

Screen Sharing


How to Enable Connect for Your Users

In the Zimbra Admin console, search for the desired user you'd like to enable Connect for. Right-click their account, select 'edit' and in their 'general information' settings change their Class of Service from what is currently listed to 'xmprofessional' (which is a premium level mailbox + connect & archiving features)

Next, from the left-hand column for mailbox edit options, select the section that says "Connect" There you can enable and disable the Connect option for your user's mailbox. You can also set available Zimbra Connect parameters such as the ability to save all chat history, enabling video chat instead of audio only, etc.


A good place to verify settings is found in the actual mailbox by proxying the account, then selecting the Connect tab and then clicking on the gear sprocket icon to view settings.

Connect prefs.png

Verify the correct device for the mic and camera are selected, as that will likely be a large percentage of problems for accounts to be able to access audio and video for Connect meetings. Simply click on "Enable microphone" and "Enable camera" to select the desired devices for meetings.

Connect settings.png

If you run into any other issues related to our Connect feature, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Technical Support department 24/7 for assistance.