Frontpage Setup

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As of mid-2006, Microsoft has discontinued support for FrontPage

The FrontPage FTP method does not use FrontPage extensions. This is not the ideal way to ftp your files to your web space. For a more reliable alternative, please read our [FTP FAQ].

FrontPage 98

  1. Create a web page and save it
  2. In the FrontPage Explorer, click Publish
  3. A box will come up asking you for a destination to publish to. Type in, where "username" is your user name
  4. Click OK
  5. After a long minute of searching, FrontPage will pop up the Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard. Where it asks you to fill in the FTP Server Name, type in
  6. Where it asks for a Directory Path, fill in /home/users/u/username/public_html where "u" is the first letter of your user name and "username" is your user name
  7. Click Next
  8. In the following box, you will need to fill in your user name and password. Under User Name, enter your user name
  9. Under Password, enter your password
  10. Click Finish
    "The server could not complete your request. Contact your Internet service provider or web server administrator to make sure the server has the FrontPage Server Extensions installed. For more specific information, click Details"

FrontPage 2000

  1. Create a web page and save it
  2. Click on File, then Publish Web
  3. A box will come up asking for a destination to publish to. Type in where "u" is the first letter of your user name and "username" is your user name.
  4. Click Publish </ol>

Frontpage 2003

  1. Create a web page and save it</li>
  2. Go to File and select Publish Web
  3. A box will come up asking for a destination to publish to. Type in and click Publish
  4. When prompted, enter your XMission username and password, hit Enter and you will be connected to your "home" space.
  5. Go to your "public_html" directory to publish or download your web site