DSL 2Wire 2700HG Multiple IP Setup

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  1. Enter in the address bar of your web browser to open the 2-Wire home page. Select Advanced Configuration Settings link in the lower right corner.
    2wiresubnet 1.png
  2. Select your Time Zone from the drop-down.
  3. Select the radio button next to PPP Mode.
  4. In the Connection Type drop-down list, select PPPoA then enter your XMission username and password in the spaces provided.
    2wiresubnet 2.png
  5. Under the Addressing area, select Unnumbered Mode.
  6. In the Gateway IP Address field, enter the first usable IP address in the subnet assigned to you.
  7. In the Subnet Mask field, enter the subnet mask you were given.
    2wiresubnet 3.png
  8. Scroll down the page to the DNS Server area.
  9. Select the Specify DNS Server Settings radio button and enter for the Primary DNS and in the Secondary DNS field. Then click Save.
    2wiresubnet 4.png
  10. Click on Home. Then click on the Home Network image.
    2wiresubnet 5.png
  11. From Home Network click on Advanced Settings
  12. In the Device List section, click on Edit Address Allocation
  13. Find the correct computer or device you are attempting to map a static IP address to. Select DHCP Public: <public ip address> from the drop down menu next to the device.
    2wiresubnet 6.png
  14. After you have finished assigning all the devices you would like to have static IPs, click on Save.
  15. After saving changes to the Address Allocation Settings, ensure the device you assigned the address to is utilizing DHCP to lease an address.

Your DSL modem should now display a green light on Internet. Your configuration is complete.