Purchasing Zimbra Licensing and Support

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XMission offers an array of Zimbra licensing and official Zimbra Support services direct to end-users running on-site Zimbra mail servers. Available options include Zimbra Collaboration licensing and support, Zimbra Talk licensing and support, Zimbra Suite Plus licensing and support, and official Zimbra Support for Open Source Edition.

How it works.

Customers purchase licensing and/or support from XMission. XMission processes the order with Zimbra. Then all Zimbra licensing and support services are provided by Zimbra.com directly. The license key provided via email supports new activations, as well as activating trial versions that are about to expire or have expired, and renewing existing licenses.

XMission charges retail rates for licensing and support. Discounts are available to academic, government, and non-profit organizations.

Zimbra.com provides support for all licensing customers at the links below. Customers can also engage XMission for paid support or professional services for services such as: integrating external systems, consultations, and unusual support requirements. Requests can be sent to zimbrasales@xmission.com noting Zimbra Licensing Support in the subject line.

Zimbra License And Support Options

Zimbra Purchase Options

Across all Zimbra licensing there are two purchasing options available. A term subscription or a one-time perpetual purchase of the licenses.

  • Subscription. One and two year term subscriptions are available with multi-year subscription discounts. For the duration of the subscription, customers are entitled to major and minor release updates via their Zimbra Standard or Premier Support, portal access and more. Licenses renew every year based on the day of purchase. Customers who do not renew their annual subscription will lose the right to use the software and receive support. This differs from a perpetual license which entitles customers permanent use of the software.
    • Pricing: 25 Professional Edition mailbox license 1-year subscriptions are $875 with Standard Support and $910 with Premier Support.
  • Perpetual. This is a permanent software license purchase for the major release version you are buying. A first year term support agreement is required at the time of purchase. Zimbra Support can be purchased in either a one, two, or three year term and is in addition to the license cost. Zimbra support agreements entitle you to all major and minor release updates, portal access and more. Support agreements should be renewed on or before the anniversary date of purchase to avoid loss of support services and software assurance. Perpetual licenses offer the most cost-effective licensing model for a multi-year deployment.
    • Pricing: 25 Professional Edition mailbox perpetual license with 1-year Premier Support are $1968.75 first year. Yearly Premier Support agreements are$393.75 thereafter.
    • Pricing: 25 Professional Edition mailbox perpetual license with 1-year Standard Support are $1890 first year. Yearly Standard Support agreements are $315 thereafter.

Zimbra Collaboration Mailboxes

Zimbra defines a mailbox license as an account with a physical email inbox and typically belongs to one person. Distribution lists and aliases do not occupy a mailbox license as they are freely included in the licensing.

General description of available Zimbra Collaboration mailbox types:

  • Professional Edition
    • Supports email, contacts, calendar, tasks, briefcase, and preferences.
      • Zimbra 8.8.15+ adds Zimbra Chat, Zimbra Drive, and the new Zimbra NG modules.
      • The Zimbra NG Modules include; NG Backup, NG Admin, NG HSM, and NG Mobile
    • Includes; Zimbra Connector for Microsoft Outlook (ZCO), ActiveSync (Zimbra Mobile), Zimbra Archiving & Discovery, and Litigation Hold.
  • Standard Edition
    • Supports email, contacts, calendar, tasks, briefcase, and preferences.
      • Zimbra 8.8.15 and up adds chat, drive, and the NG modules.
    • Standard Edition licensing does not include Zimbra Connector for Microsoft Outlook (ZCO), ActiveSync or Zimbra Archiving & Discovery.

Note: Customers may mix and match mailbox types, however there is a minimum purchase requirement of 25 seats per mailbox type.

View a complete Zimbra.com Product Comparison Chart here.

Zimbra Support Options

Support options available from Zimbra.com for all levels of Zimbra licensing and Zimbra add-on products:

  • Premier Support and Subscription
    • Unlimited email support incidents - Business hours phone support - 24x7 crisis support (system downtime only) - Software upgrade protection
  • Standard Support and Subscription
    • Unlimited email support incidents - Business hours phone support - Software upgrade protection

Note: The yearly cost difference between Standard and Premier support is very nominal. XMission recommends that customers purchase Premier service for the first year, when you are more likely to require extra help, and then consider Standard on subsequent renewal periods if cost is a concern.

When purchasing any support plan be sure to read about optimizing your Zimbra Support experience.

Zimbra Support for Open Source Edition

Zimbra Open Source Support (ZOSS) provides the same level technical support for Open Source Edition and Zimbra Suite Plus customer as paid Network Edition customers with Standard Support receive. Zimbra Open Source Edition Support provides many advantages for Zimbra’s open source user base. Learn to keep your OSE email business-ready and enjoy the peace of mind provided with paid support.

You must purchase support for all mailboxes provisioned on the system in 25 mailbox increments. There is a command to run, while we watch, to verify the mailbox count before the order can process.

Zimbra Open Source Support is $9 per mailbox yearly when purchased as a stand-alone service. Paired with any module from Zimbra Suite Plus and the fee drops to $3 per mailbox yearly. The full Zimbra Suite Plus bundle paired with support costs about $1.25 per mailbox monthly. Contact zimbrasales@xmission.com for a quote.

When you do make your Zimbra Open Source Support purchase be sure to read our wiki about optimizing your Zimbra Support experience.

Outlook for Mac

Network Edition customers can add EWS (Exchange Web Services) for native Outlook for Mac functionality to their installation via this add-on licensing.

  • Outlook for Mac functionality - "EWS licensing" is an optional license subscription
    • Available for Zimbra Collaboration 8.5 and higher only
    • Order in 25 mailbox increments with a 25 mailbox minimum order

Zimbra Connect

Zimbra Connect allows your Zimbra server (Network Edition) to host live group chats, video conferences, audio conversations, group document editing, plus file and screen sharing all from your Zimbra webmail interface.

  • Zimbra Connect - Is an optional license subscription available only to Network Edition installations
    • Available for Zimbra Collaboration 8.5 and higher only
    • Order in 25 mailbox increments with a 25 mailbox minimum order
    • Support for Zimbra Connect is ordered at the same service level as your Network Edition licensing

Zimbra Connect is a subscription only license.

Zimbra Suite Plus

XMission sells the full Zimbra Suite Plus (ZSP) bundle which is a wide range of add-on tools for both Network Edition (NE) Standard Edition mailboxes and Open Source Edition (OSE). Purchase single add-on tools or the entire bundle. A Zimbra support agreement is required with any ZSP purchase. Zimbra provides a deep discount for OSE support when paired with these add-ons.

Zimbra Backup Plus Back up every single item and event on your server with split-second precision.Specifically designed to avoid data loss.

Zimbra Admin Plus Grant Delegated Admin rights to users on your server so they can perform user management tasks, such as setting quotas, modifying COS variables and setting user limits for your domains.

Zimbra HSM Plus HSM allows you to manage multiple volumes and HSM policies through the Zimbra Suite Plus Administration Zimlet, giving you the tools to organize and manage your storage effectively.

Zimbra Mobile Plus Zimbra Mobile Plus allows your users to synchronize their Zimbra mailbox with their mobile devices through the widespread Exchange ActiveSync protocol, natively supported by the vast majority of mobile devices.

Additional information: https://www.zimbra.com/zimbra-suite-plus/

The Zimbra Network Edition server software with Professional Edition mailboxes already includes all the above NG Modules.

Ordering Zimbra Licenses

  • Important - Orders take 3-5 business days to complete after payment processes
  • Zimbra licensing sales are handled by our Zimbra Product Manager, zimbrasales@xmission.com, 877-964-7746 x 105
  • Non-profits, government, and academic entities qualify for special pricing. Non-profits must provide a copy of their 501c3 certification and Schools must provide a copy of their State charter paperwork.

Zimbra Renewals

XMission can renew Zimbra license subscriptions and support agreements for anyone. If your previous vendor went out of business or stopped returning your calls and emails, we can help. Simply contact us to get a quote and renew today, zimbrasales@xmission.com.

An important note about renewals. Zimbra adds a +20% late fee to any expired support and or licensing package at renewal. Be certain to track your purchase and renewal date and contact your XMission sales rep to renew on time.

https://www.zimbra.com/legal/support-terms Reference section 3, 3.1, bullet point 3.

If you previously purchased Zimbra licensing or support and it has expired, the above link explains the fees associated with renewal. Customers have to pay for term back to the expiration date of the last agreement, pay the current term fees, plus pay the +20% late fee.

Zimbra Administration

Zimbra.com Support

Read this post on best practices for opening a support case with Zimbra - https://blog.zimbra.com/2017/02/opening-zimbra-support-case-best-practices/

XMission Services for Zimbra

Please address any additional questions about Zimbra Licensing and Support to XMission's VP of Product for Zimbra via email, zimbrasales@xmission.com.