Cloud Domain Privacy
Setting Domain Privacy
If you have purchased a domain though you have the ability to edit the privacy of your domain and set domain locking. The instructions provided below will guide you through that process.
After you have logged into your account at, Choose Registered Domains under the Domain Header
Next choose the domain you wish to edit
On the next page is where you can edit Registrar Locking and Privacy.
Registrar Lock
If your domain is not locked it will be indicated by Off next to Registrar Lock. To lock your domain from changes being made follow these instructions.
Choose Set Registrar Lock in the Domain Info section
Once you choose Set Registrar Lock the screen will update letting you know it was successful.
Setting Domain Privacy
If you would like to set the privacy of your domain to private follow these instructions. NOTE: there is currently a $5.00 charge for this service
Choose Upgrade Resource Limits
Next under New Limit in the drop down choose On and then click Next
The next page will update you about the $5.00 charge - listed under Unit Price if you agree to these terms choose Place Order