Zimbra Archive and Discovery

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Zimbra Archiving

XMission Zimbra hosting now fully supports Archiving. Zimbra Archiving is an optional feature that enables archiving of messages that were delivered to or sent by Zimbra Collaboration.

Archiving is setup on a per/account basis. When this feature is enabled for an account, a copy of all email from or to that account is forked at the MTA and a copy of the message is delivered to their archive mailbox.

Zimbra archiving can be set up to create archiving accounts that are maintained within Zimbra Collaboration or to work with third-party archiving systems using SMTP forwarding to send messages to a third-party archive server. For third-party archiving, Zimbra Collaboration is configured to act as the forwarding agent.

Enabling Archiving For Your Accounts

In Zimbra's admin interface, search for the desired user you'd like to enable A&D for. Right-click their account, select 'edit' and in the left-hand column that features all their account options, select 'archiving' and if their status displays "enable archiving: No" You can click on the button that says "Enable archiving"

You will also need to create the new target archive mailbox, so click "create" and it should automatically generate your new archiving account. Highlight that account in the list, and then click "Select" and then you should see the field "Currently archived to" be filled in with that newly created archive box. Save, close out of the account and when you search the user again, you should be able to see two entries in the search results; their regular account, and a separate archive account.

We recommend you verify archiving is working properly by sending a test message to their account, and then proxy the archive mailbox to ensure your test is dropped in there as well. You can proxy a mailbox by right-clicking on the highlighted account and selecting "View mail"


The current rate of Archive licensed accounts is $1.50 per/month per/mailbox. Additional quota is $0.10 per/gig of anything above 20GB.

Retention for Archived accounts

Our mail retention policy remains the same even for archived accounts. If a archive mailbox is deleted, mailbox data will be purged 45 days after.