Client Configuration for Email

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These easy to follow instructions will help you configure your favorite client for use with your email service.

For greater convenience, you can always use XMission Webmail.

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Recommended Email Settings

Incoming Server Information: Outgoing Server Information:
Server Type: IMAP Server Type: SMTP
Hostname: Hostname:
Port: 993 Port: 465
Encryption Type: SSL Encryption Type: SSL
Authenticate Using: Clear Text/Normal Password Requires Authentication: Yes
Logon User Name: The portion of your email address before the

-Please note that some free wireless hotspots may block SSL without an extra fee. If you cannot send or receive while on certain wifi networks (especially ones in airports or public spaces) please check their terms and conditions and ensure they are not blocking SSL connections.

Windows 7 / Vista / XP

Mac OS X


Mobile Devices